
New Work

The warm sun bid me outside with my camera.
What a delightful day it shared with me.

Here are some of the images soon to wander into my etsy shop.


And now for more ceramics

the Tagine

I should have known Morocco was soon to follow.


I think I'm in love (again)

Stone containers. 
More delights of the earth.
And french to boot!
oh la la!
all from the

Ethereal Earth

I've been inspired as of late by things from the earth.
Porcelain, ceramics and more...

1. lady profile porcelain tag by oneblackbird
2. seconds - folded serving platter by pigeontoeceramics
3. Caroline Swift bone china spoons
4. bukushun - ceramic book ends by djenya
5. Bone Series Earrings (porcelain) by yashabutler
6. Porcelain pear-shaped vase by Noun


gotta go: Art-S-Talker

Check this awesome space out!


Work in Progress

In a few weeks I will be attending ARTFEST in Washington State.
My creative juices are starting to run.
Here's my Sea Monster entry - as a work in progress

Two for Tuesday

These two pieces are leading me somewhere.
I have been studying line and experimenting with
line in my artwork since I received 
my Thomas Forsyth top
in the mail.

Here are two famous pieces involving line that 
are speaking yet-untranslated things to me.
Leon Ferrari, Sin titulo, 1964, ink on paper

Vernon Fischer, Evidence of Houdini's Return, 1994, mixed media

Both at the Blanton Museum of Art in Austin, TX

You've got Seoul!

MOMA - you make me laugh long time. ha.ha.

Sandwich SpongeJoy: 22 Postcards (HC)Peanut BowlBanana BunkerĀ®

Korean Meal Business Card Holder3D Drawing Pad


Beckoning Spring

Tartlette does it again!
Flourless Chocolate Cakes
Check out her most recent baker's challenge and bring in spring with decadence.

The Joy of Kites!

Ever seen Mary Poppins?
I love the seen at the end when the family skips 
to the park to fly a kite.
Here's a little inspiration for your own romp at the park.
Go fly a kite.

And the dragon from Kitty Hawk